Archives for the ‘perception’ Category

Brookhart Jonquil

Brookhart Jonquil Work from On the Einstein Podolsky Rosen Paradox (where each of the six pages of Bell’s Theorem is crumpled up identically) and Untitled (Essay Without Words no. 1 + no.2). “Brookhart Jonquil’s work, On the Einstein Podolsky Rosen Paradox, confounds our sense of time and space, working off the assumption that crumpling a […]

Nathaniel Smyth

Nathaniel Smyth Work from Maps and Spaces. “Using the snapshot as a metaphor for visual perception, I experiment with strategies of arranging those perceptions to investigate the various ways our minds understand the space we inhabit. Using images from both personal and mass culture as a form of cumulative experience, I layer the images to […]

Lisa Tan

Lisa Tan Work from Based on a True Story and Happenstance. “Included in this exhibition is the piece titled, Letters from Dr. Bamberger, 2001-ongoing. I have aestheticized my relationship with my general physician, Dr. Mark Bamberger. It is his practice to send letters to his patients after they have had an annual physical. The quasi-performative […]

AnnieLaurie Erickson and Everett Lawson

AnnieLaurie Erickson and Everett Lawson. Work from A Slip of Memory. My first thoughts about this work were “badass”. A Slip of Memory is a phenomonal integration of science, optics, and art which explores how the eye functions and how it affects our perception (something I am working on from a vastly different perspective).  “Colors, […]