Nikolaus Gansterer Work from The Bureau of Found Appropriations. “”The Bureau of Found Appropriations / Département des Sourires” is a work which is part of a long-term study on strategies of appropriation and forms of production (and reproduction) in Asia. My main attention is directed towards differences, misinterpretation and errors committed in the process of translating […]
Archives for the ‘reproduction’ Category
Marlon Kowalski
Sunday, 22 November 2009
Marlon Kowalski Work from Plates. From what I can gather given the lack of contextual information on Kowalski’s Plates work, it is examining the nature of reproduction and photographic fidelity. The photograph, and photographed object hang side-by-side, now related to one another physically through the compelling referential reproduction and the existence of the “original”. This […]
Mark Wyse
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
Mark Wyse Work from Disavowal. “Disavowal is an engagement with our conflicted relationship to desire. If in a crude sense modernism is an embrace of desire and postmodernism is a critique of that desire, this show seeks to commingle the two. In doing so it explores key works by both contemporary and historical artists who […]
Tudor Bratu
Sunday, 28 June 2009
Tudor Bratu Work from Album, Record, and Night Study #4. Bratu’s website is a cornucopia of projects, go visit it. ______________________ Album: “By altering the initial order of images, using blanks and empty space as image, the seemingly real of the facsimilae reproduction of the album, is contradicted by the absence and displace-ment of the […]