Archives for the ‘artist book’ Category

Paul Sepuya and Timothy Hull

Paul Sepuya and Timothy Hull Work from The Accidental Egyptian and Occidental Arrangements. “The book The Accidental Egyptian and Occidental Arrangements features over 25 photograph-based collages of xerox imagery on cut paper. Culling from our personal image collection, the collages reflect not only our personal aesthetics and sensibilities but new compositions and relationships. This project […]

Stefan Ruiz

  Stefan Ruiz Work from People. “People is a book about Stefan Ruiz’s view of the world and the fragility of the human condition. The kaleidoscope of portraits?well known celebrities and Stefan’s own family members are shot with the same humanistic voice?takes us into a journey around the world that reveals our complexity, misery and […]

Pierre Le Hors

Pierre Le Hors Work from Firework Studies. His blog is also pretty solid. “Firework studies is a hand-bound book dummy compiling a selection of fireworks in the night sky. By constraining nearly all tonal values to stark blacks and pure whites, the trails, explosions and clouds of debris are reduced to a series of simple […]

Bea Fremderman

   Bea Fremderman Work from her oeuvre. “There is an immediacy in Fremderman’s work that brings to the fore a brash youthfulness that demands the spotlight and your full attention. She knows how to play on your desires while simultaneously captivating your gaze like a road-side car crash rubber-necker. The intimate relations that Fremderman is […]

Lieko Shiga

Lieko Shiga Work from Lilly. “Her stunningly eerie images from the series Lilly manages to create an unreal sensation of being in viewers. Drawing inspiration from paranormal photographs popular in the early days of photography, Lieko shot these images of residents staying in a block of council flats in East London, where she was pursuing […]

Klara Källströms

Klara Källströms Work from Gingerbread Monument. “Gingerbread Monument is the photographer Klara Källströms debut book and an experiment in what a photography book can be. Besides only displaying the taken photographs alot of focus was put into the images that are yet to come. Images the photographer wishes to take in the future. The empty […]

Wakaba Noda

Wakaba Noda Work from Blink and Making a Map. “The above work is taken from Noda’s “Blink”, a series of diptychs. This series was given an honorable mention by famed critic Kotaro Iizawa at the 2006 Canon “New Cosmos of Photography” competition. About this work, Noda says that she “tried to make the physical body […]

Gert Jan Kocken

Gert Jan Kocken Work from Judenporzellan. “Street photographers have only a vague notion of what they’re looking for. But the moment the right situation does reveal itself, they recognise it immediately and leap into action. In the case of Dutch visual artist-photographer Gert Jan Kocken, the process is exactly the opposite. He knows what he’s […]

Cara Barer

Cara Barer Work from The Book Project. “My photographs are primarily a documentation of a physical evolution. I have changed a common object into sculpture in a state of flux. The way we choose to research and find information is also in an evolution. I hope to raise questions about these changes, the ephemeral and […]

Daniel Gustav Cramer and Haris Epaminonda

Daniel Gustav Cramer and Haris Epaminonda Work from The Infinite Library. “The Infinite Library is an ongoing project by Daniel Gustav Cramer and Haris Epaminonda.  It is primarily an expanding archive of books, each created out of pages of one or more found books and bound anew. The online catalogue serves as an index. ‘The book […]