Lieko Shiga Work from Lilly. “Her stunningly eerie images from the series Lilly manages to create an unreal sensation of being in viewers. Drawing inspiration from paranormal photographs popular in the early days of photography, Lieko shot these images of residents staying in a block of council flats in East London, where she was pursuing […]
Archives for the ‘book’ Category
Gert Jan Kocken
Tuesday, 6 October 2009
Gert Jan Kocken Work from Judenporzellan. “Street photographers have only a vague notion of what they’re looking for. But the moment the right situation does reveal itself, they recognise it immediately and leap into action. In the case of Dutch visual artist-photographer Gert Jan Kocken, the process is exactly the opposite. He knows what he’s […]
Mickey Smith
Tuesday, 4 August 2009
Mickey Smith Work from Collocations and Belive You Me. _______________________________ Volume documents bound periodicals and journals in public libraries. Most of these publications are being replaced by their online counterparts. Several titles photographed in the process of this project have been destroyed. Searching endless rows of utilitarian text, I am struck by the physical mass […]
Daniel Gustav Cramer and Haris Epaminonda
Wednesday, 15 July 2009
Daniel Gustav Cramer and Haris Epaminonda Work from The Infinite Library. “The Infinite Library is an ongoing project by Daniel Gustav Cramer and Haris Epaminonda. It is primarily an expanding archive of books, each created out of pages of one or more found books and bound anew. The online catalogue serves as an index. ‘The book […]
Tudor Bratu
Sunday, 28 June 2009
Tudor Bratu Work from Album, Record, and Night Study #4. Bratu’s website is a cornucopia of projects, go visit it. ______________________ Album: “By altering the initial order of images, using blanks and empty space as image, the seemingly real of the facsimilae reproduction of the album, is contradicted by the absence and displace-ment of the […]
Sonja Thomsen
Thursday, 7 May 2009
Sonja Thomsen Work from Lacuna and Oil. “There is more genetic complexity in a milliliter of water than the whole of the human genome. This is what Sonja Thomsen told me when we first met, about four years ago, and the sort of thing she thinks about a lot.That such an immense universe of organisms […]