Archives for the ‘error’ Category

Matthew Robert Hughes

Matthew Robert Hughes Work from (Un)Dress Yourself in My Love. “Matthew-Robert Hughes’s artistic practice is fundamentally concerned with the self as subject matter for the camera, and acts as a demonstration of the role of photographic technology in individual self-representation. Throughout his working practice, Hughes has continued to use ‘time’ as a tool to explore […]

Sara Angelucci

Sara Angelucci Work from Regular 8. “For the past ten years, my practice has encompassed photography and video, examining vernacular archival materials, including snapshots and home movies. Investigating the relationship between the still and moving image, my work has considered the limits of indexical media to translate lived experience, underlining the fragmented, ephemeral nature of […]

Mariah Robertson

Mariah Robertson Work from I am Passions. “A growing number of contemporary photographers seem to be forsaking the ease and polish of digital image making for the romantic uncertainty of the darkroom. Mariah Robertson, who has shown at the SoHo gallery Guild & Greyshkul, which is now defunct, and is currently having her first solo […]

Aimee Brodeur

Aimee Brodeur Work from Sculptures and Diary. There was no text to be found about this work, but they function so well as photo sculptures I wanted to share them. I am particularly drawn to the process errors in these works as an aesthetic, but I am not sure if their intent moves beyond that. […]

Tema Stauffer

Tema Stauffer Work from American Stills. “To perceive and subsequently reveal an inherent beauty in what may be characterized as “commonplace” requires the observer (i.e. the photographer) to consider specifically the act of seeing what is “there” or simply what “is.” Images that suggest recognition and acceptance of the banal differ from those, perhaps more […]

Ian Aleksander Adams

Ian Aleksander Adams Work from Gray Days. The following is an email dialouge that Ian and I had yesterday that discusses his work. It really was a treat to have an intelligent Trans-Atlantic back and forth about art. Ian: Gray Days is my most recent book project, with the final touches still being put on it. […]