Archives for the ‘order’ Category

Stefan Ruiz

  Stefan Ruiz Work from People. “People is a book about Stefan Ruiz’s view of the world and the fragility of the human condition. The kaleidoscope of portraits?well known celebrities and Stefan’s own family members are shot with the same humanistic voice?takes us into a journey around the world that reveals our complexity, misery and […]

Jill Sylvia

Jill Sylvia Work from Balance Sheets and Reconstructions. “Ledger sheets are traditionally used to record the financial transactions of a business or an individual. These papers host the data necessary for accounting information to be compiled, and for analysis in determining profit and loss. They are the material of economics. In an attempt to understand […]

Sofia Hultén

Sofia Hultén Work from Points in a Room Condensing. “Sofia Hultén tries in her work to repair things that are broken, or alternately, to make them disappear. Rarely are these two objectives achieved independently, so that the focus of her videos and photographs becomes instead the circular process of making and unmaking of a series […]

Ian Aleksander Adams

Ian Aleksander Adams Work from Gray Days. The following is an email dialouge that Ian and I had yesterday that discusses his work. It really was a treat to have an intelligent Trans-Atlantic back and forth about art. Ian: Gray Days is my most recent book project, with the final touches still being put on it. […]