Travis Shaffer Work from the ongoing series Keyword : Community. In order (top to bottom): Art Gallery:Manhattan, Church:Kentucky, Pub:United Kingdom, and Walmart:United States. “My work addresses the inter-connectivity of contemporary life through the discourse of visual culture. In my practice I re-contextualize visual and textual information gathered from sources both real and virtual. Using craft […]
Archives for the ‘representation’ Category
Miranda Lichtenstein
Monday, 8 February 2010
Miranda Lichtenstein Work from her oeuvre. “Searching, misrepresentation, failure, and our troubled relationship to the natural world are components of my work. For this reason, living at Monet’s garden on a residency in Giverny a number of years ago had a tremendous impact on me. Recognizing the garden as a giant tableaux staged by a […]
Vik Muniz
Thursday, 7 January 2010
Vik Muniz Work from his oeuvre. Lecture on TED Talks. “Here’s the art history quiz for the day: What connects Leonardo da Vinci to Bosco chocolate syrup? Answer: Vik Muniz, an artist who specializes in unlikely means of not quite fooling the eye and calls the results ”photographic delusions.” Mr. Muniz has copied Leonardo’s ”Last […]
Nicholas Gottlund
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
Nicholas Gottlund Work from Plain and Fancy and Day Book. “Plain and Fancy plays with the concept of animism to present objects (oak leaves, a rug, tools, antlers, a cut branch from a spice bush) which may seem to have an inherent spirit or almost palpable sense of history. The photographs are shot with a […]
Stefan Heyne
Tuesday, 3 November 2009
Stefan Heyne Work from The Noise. Heyne’s work falls into the tradition of out-of-focus German photography that stands in sharp contrast to work from the Dusseldorf school. Heyne’s photographs lack a point of focus, or if I were to assume his intentions, serve to challenge sharpness as the default state of focus. In many ways, […]
Erik Dalzen
Wednesday, 29 July 2009
Erik Dalzen Work from Commodities. Active auctions here. “Commodities is a collaborative project between me and spirited bidders. Art pieces are created based on specific marketable goods and cater to niche audiences of collectors and enthusiasts. The works are then exhibited on the auction website, eBay, under search terms that coincide with the vernacular from […]
Cynthia Greig
Saturday, 18 July 2009
Cynthia Greig Work from Representations. “My series “Representations” combines photography and drawing to explore the concept of photographic truth and its correspondence to perceived reality. No digital manipulation is involved. Focusing on the representation of ordinary things, I draw directly onto 3-dimensional objects (which I have painted over in white paint) to create visual hybrids […]