Archives for posts tagged ‘blurry’

Stefan Heyne

Stefan Heyne Work from The Noise. Heyne’s work falls into the tradition of out-of-focus German photography that stands in sharp contrast to work from the Dusseldorf school. Heyne’s photographs lack a point of focus, or if I were to assume his intentions, serve to challenge sharpness as the default state of focus. In many ways, […]

Laura Wood

Laura Wood Work from the series Memories of Leda and Stay Awhile. ____________________ Memories of Leda “The motivation behind this work is an investigation into the image and perception. Despite the observations of Roland Barthes in the early 1980s, we tend to invest an uncritical faith in photography, accepting its documentation as an objective view […]

Bill Jacobson

Bill Jacobson Jacobson was one of the earlier out-of-focus photographers, and for obvious reasons in my own work, I am a fan. There is something compelling about the denial of one of the fundamental characteristics of photography that draws me in. Currently showing at the Robert Klein Gallery. “Bill Jacobson is well known for a […]

Matthew Tischler

Matthew Tischler Work from Screen Series. I was made aware of Tischler’s work through a mailing from Jen Bekman’s 20×200 project. You can see Tischler’s work (and buy it) here. “Technology has enormously impacted our perception of the world. Aside from the practical and pragmatic functions of computers in our time, the digital revolution has […]