Brookhart Jonquil Work from On the Einstein Podolsky Rosen Paradox (where each of the six pages of Bell’s Theorem is crumpled up identically) and Untitled (Essay Without Words no. 1 + no.2). “Brookhart Jonquil’s work, On the Einstein Podolsky Rosen Paradox, confounds our sense of time and space, working off the assumption that crumpling a […]
Archives for posts tagged ‘perception’
Nathaniel Smyth
Tuesday, 9 February 2010
Nathaniel Smyth Work from Maps and Spaces. “Using the snapshot as a metaphor for visual perception, I experiment with strategies of arranging those perceptions to investigate the various ways our minds understand the space we inhabit. Using images from both personal and mass culture as a form of cumulative experience, I layer the images to […]
Lisa Tan
Thursday, 3 December 2009
Lisa Tan Work from Based on a True Story and Happenstance. “Included in this exhibition is the piece titled, Letters from Dr. Bamberger, 2001-ongoing. I have aestheticized my relationship with my general physician, Dr. Mark Bamberger. It is his practice to send letters to his patients after they have had an annual physical. The quasi-performative […]
AnnieLaurie Erickson and Everett Lawson
Tuesday, 2 June 2009
AnnieLaurie Erickson and Everett Lawson. Work from A Slip of Memory. My first thoughts about this work were “badass”. A Slip of Memory is a phenomonal integration of science, optics, and art which explores how the eye functions and how it affects our perception (something I am working on from a vastly different perspective). “Colors, […]