Archives for posts tagged ‘remove’

Olve Sande

Olve Sande Work from his ouevre. “Possessed of a balance of architectural and literary substance, Olve Sande’s works are striking for the peculiar familiarity they evoke. At once recognisable and unconventionally contrived, their allure is as unquestionable as their imagery is imaginary. His is a charged vision.” – text via Culturehall.

Aaron Gustafson

Aaron Gustafson Work from Bonus Baby “I cut out my likeness from each photo as a way of reimagining the moments and to reconcile unremembered or painful past moments with my present self…The photographs are open-ended, ambiguous, and dishonest.” – Aaron Gustafson

Pavel Maria Smejkal

Pavel Maria Smejkal Work from Fatescapes features images from the canon of photographic history with the subjects removed. “In my last work I am interested in historical contexts of human history, widely recorded by photographic medium in the last three centuries, I am interested in the medium itself, in its representational function and image as […]

Jill Sylvia

Jill Sylvia Work from Balance Sheets and Reconstructions. “Ledger sheets are traditionally used to record the financial transactions of a business or an individual. These papers host the data necessary for accounting information to be compiled, and for analysis in determining profit and loss. They are the material of economics. In an attempt to understand […]

Charlie Youle

Charlie Youle Work from This is the End of the World and Horror, Anxiety, and the Continental Holiday. “This series of prints depicts a quiet and scenic apocalypse, an unexplosive sci-fi fantasy of two worlds nearly colliding. The scenes are set in the past and refer to a constant changing and dying of the surface […]

Justin James King

Justin James King Work from And Still We Gather With Infinite Momentum. “Justin James King radically intervenes in the common spectacle of the tourist vista by removing the view itself. A lone figure stands on a promontory gazing out into the utter void. Commenting on the reflexive act of looking (and by extension, on the […]

Josh Azzarella

Josh Azzarella Stills from Untitled #1 (Fantasia). “Known for his video and photography manipulations of monumental news imagery, including the 9/11 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib, and the Tiananmen Square protests, Josh Azzarella is a whiz at altering and erasing history. The artist’s latest project, which was two […]