Archives for posts tagged ‘software’

Marie Sester

Marie Sester Work from Access. “ACCESS lets you track anonymous individuals in public places, by pursuing them with a robotic spotlight and acoustic beam system. ACCESS presents control tools generated by surveillance technology combined with the advertising and Hollywood industries, and the internet. It refers to political propoganda and media manipluation. Beware. Some individuals may […]

Satoru Higa

Satoru Higa Work from Capture. Capture is a sound based application created by Satoru Higa. I like how simple and beautiful is and how chaotic it can be, sonorously and visually. It works on the own desktop, making the transparent windows use whatever visual data source from the desktop by transforming it to sound. The colour and […]

Masood Kamandy

Masood Kamandy Work from Superimpositional. “This project uses computer software I developed to combine many images into single images. It is influenced by historical practices of chronophotography which developed soon after the invention of photography, and also aleatory art practices like the work of John Cage. This process has the ability to show the movement […]

The Beauty and Lacks of Limitation

The Beauty and Lacks of Limitation was a course about design awareness / composing in boundaries / template distending / breaking inflexible patterns in design and carrying ideas into effect. The course was held at the Merz Akademie in Stuttgart in April and was probably magical. “Thinking about your Tool Your software just carries out […]

Casey Reas

Casey Reas Work from The Protean Image and Process 18 (Object 1, 2). “The Protean Image plays with the mutable nature of software. Participants modify the software by filling out programming cards that are inserted into The Protean Image Machine. The Machine reads the cards and makes alterations to the software as it’s projected onto […]

Robert Kulisek

Robert Kulisek Work from Photographing Sculptures. “Offered here is artwork as a form of investigation, not artwork as an authoritative assertion. To perceive a photograph (or artwork) in such a way is to point to something unsure inside of it, to insist on the once and future presence of a thing, an event, or a […]

Jason Salavon

Jason Salavon Work from 100 Special Moments. “Jason Salavon selects as source material groups of images from popular culture—real-estate listing photographs, Playboy centerfolds, high-school yearbook portraits—and blends them into generalized images characteristic of types existing in everyday life. … Salavon chose to blend pictures of not-so-average women in his series Every Playboy Centerfold. By fusing […]