Archives for the ‘lighting’ Category

Naho Kubota

Naho Kubota Work from Unrevealed and Minimum Structure. “Unrevealed, a continuous body of work, takes unknown organic forms and transforms them into abstract color patches using subdued colors and a soft focus. The simple use of muted colors removes the observer from the conscience and allows a disconnect from its inherent pattern making and dominance […]

Darren Sylvester

Darren Sylvester Work from his oeuvre. “It may seem a little perverse to describe Darren Sylvester’s exhibition at sullivan+strumpf, his fifteenth solo show in ten years, by a definition of a Pantone category, but bear with me. In 2008, Pantone, global purveyor of colour trends, declared Pantone 18-3943 (’Blue Iris’) to be the colour of […]

Mårtin Lange

Mårtin Lange Work from Anomalies. Interview in ahorn magazine, which if you haven’t read, you should. “Lange’s photographs also seem to reference photographic modes from the document and the archival oddity. They are reminiscent of the book, Evidence, by Larry Sultan and Mike Mandel, where the dislocation and seeming randomness of the objects and scenes […]

Tim Simmons

Tim Simmons Work from Quarry (Intervention). “His works expound the spirit of the place, from the mundane to the magnificent. Landscapes from the back yard to the snowfield are the sets of his eerie, haunting, enigmatic photographs. Created as seamless, modest yet elaborately orchestrated tableau. Meticulous in their poise, composition and lighting — Simmons is […]

Stuart Bailes

Stuart Bailes Work from [I couldn’t find a title for this body of work but I want to see more, and I hope it is coming soon] and Hidden (Forest). “Hidden (Forest) was undertaken predominantly in Wales but some were made in the Forest of Dean and the New Forest. The geographical location was not […]

Nik Mirus

Nik Mirus Work from the series Blackboard Landscapes and People and Quiet Spaces. Blackboard Landscapes: “There is something to be said about sitting in an empty classroom, (generally a very static/clinical environment) and staring at a 4 x 12 foot black chalkboard. I became very interested in observing these classroom blackboards. They’re surfaces always seemed […]

Lindsay Page

Lindsay Page Works from the series Spawn (still in progress). Titles (in order), Werewolf 1, Werewolf 2, and Unitled. I also recommend the Basement Performances Series. “This body of work examines motherhood as an event steeped simultaneously in the intensity of anxiety and exhilaration, momentous gain and the spectre of loss. It is both a […]

Angelika Rinnhofer

Angelika Rinnhofer Work from Menschenkunde and Falsenfest. I highly reccommend that you read the statement as well as check out the newer Varsity work.