Archives for the ‘editing’ Category

Teo Ormond-Skeaping

Teo Ormond-Skeaping Work from In the Fulcrum of Our Dreams. “In Ormond-Skeaping’s multi-layered canvas the more bewildering aspects of dreamscape are invoked: sensations of symbolic import paired with faces that may have no relevance in daily life but in dream logic summon up powerful archetypal associations, creating wave of skin-prickling wave of weird emotional resonance. […]

Stefan Ruiz

  Stefan Ruiz Work from People. “People is a book about Stefan Ruiz’s view of the world and the fragility of the human condition. The kaleidoscope of portraits?well known celebrities and Stefan’s own family members are shot with the same humanistic voice?takes us into a journey around the world that reveals our complexity, misery and […]