Archives for the ‘cars’ Category

Harrison Haynes

Harrison Haynes Work from Distruptive Patterns. “LB: Your work often contains an isolated object/figure in an open field as is the case here. Is this an aspect of the work, or a way of discussing the work? HH: I have a preoccupation with decontextualization. Focusing on details or objects within my everyday surroundings and thinking […]

Greg Stimac

Greg Stimac Work from his oeuvre. The stills from above video projects in no way due justice to even the most basic appreciation of content. Please go to his website to check them out. “Greg Stimac works within a mode of photography with a rich history, the photographic series constructed from images captured in travels […]

Geert Goiris

Geert Goiris Work from Slow Fast. The iconography of Geert Goiris includes rather cheerless interiors, deserted playgrounds, stationary locomotives, staged explosions in park-like surroundings, and mysterious constructions that have, at some time, embodied a modernist architectural Utopia. His major fascination and his most concentrated attention, however, are focused on desolate landscapes, which often seem to […]

Andrew Bush

Andrew Bush Work from Vector Portraits. I can’t recall where or when I first encountered this work, but today is a good day for it. You can buy the book here. “A century ago, the first affordable, mass-produced automobile rolled off assembly lines: the Model T. Sensing it would spark a social revolution, its creator, […]

Christoph Sebastian

Christoph Sebastian Work from the series (or rather multi-faceted database) Fahrzeuge. I also recommend the series Transformation. “”One must hurry if one wants to see something. Everything disappears.” Paul Cézanne. The car is more than just a simple vehicle: It is surrounded by an aura of irrationality. From the very beginning, various fantasies have always […]