Archives for the ‘belgian’ Category

Xavier Delory

Xavier Delory Work from Habitat. “Our countryside (in Belgium as well as in many other western countries) is monopolized by one specific type of house called ‘clé sur porte’ (turnkey) (def:Urban prefab cluster of similar forms implanted in the landscape without any effort of integration). The cycle ‘Habitat’ throws a look at this type of […]

Sarah Gerats

Sarah Gerats Work from her oeuvre. There is shockingly little written about Sarah Gerats, though her work seems to pop up in quite a few places. Aesthetically, she fits easily in her native land (The Netherlands) and the great majority of her works follow the aesthetic and conceptual concerns of contemporary Dutch meta-photographic works. The […]

Geert Goiris

Geert Goiris Work from Slow Fast. The iconography of Geert Goiris includes rather cheerless interiors, deserted playgrounds, stationary locomotives, staged explosions in park-like surroundings, and mysterious constructions that have, at some time, embodied a modernist architectural Utopia. His major fascination and his most concentrated attention, however, are focused on desolate landscapes, which often seem to […]

Ben Van Den Berghe

Ben Van Den Berghe Work from The Handshake Society. “Handshake Society is the outcome of an ungoing interest in power relationships between people, focussing on the – decisive – moment on which people shake hands. I reframe found images and place them in a personal archive. By cropping these frames I try to eliminate the […]

François Delfosse

François Delfosse Delfosse is a Belgian architect and, as far as I can tell, is not pursuing art beyond his own edification. As such, I could find no statement or review, but I wanted to share these with you regardless, because they are pretty amazing.  Cube shadow study n°8 Cube shadow study n°4 via PYTR75