Archives for posts tagged ‘dichotomy’

Wade Guyton

Wade Guyton Work from his current exhibition at Petzel. “In 2007 Guyton showed a series of black paintings made with his Epson 9600 printer and covered the gallery’s concrete floor with a facsimile of his studio’s plywood floor. This time he has made five new works on linen specifically for the gallery’s walls. Using the […]

Geert Goiris

Geert Goiris Work from Slow Fast. The iconography of Geert Goiris includes rather cheerless interiors, deserted playgrounds, stationary locomotives, staged explosions in park-like surroundings, and mysterious constructions that have, at some time, embodied a modernist architectural Utopia. His major fascination and his most concentrated attention, however, are focused on desolate landscapes, which often seem to […]

Mitch Robertson

Mitch Robertson Work from Economies of Good and Evil. “When I get a hold of Toronto artist Mitch Robertson at Saint Mary’s University Art Gallery in Halifax, he’s just returned from dropping off his son. The father and son team had been getting the gallery ready for Robertson’s show 5,6,7: Economies of Good & Evil. […]