Zach Shipko Work from his oeuvre. Shipko’s work is more of an examination of internet culture and kitsch than anything else. In the same way that it is accessible to the casual viewer, it also relies on a thorough understanding (or at least an informed inundation) of internet culture and various memes. I am wondering […]
Archives for the ‘still’ Category
Robert Kulisek
Thursday, 11 February 2010
Robert Kulisek Work from Photographing Sculptures. “Offered here is artwork as a form of investigation, not artwork as an authoritative assertion. To perceive a photograph (or artwork) in such a way is to point to something unsure inside of it, to insist on the once and future presence of a thing, an event, or a […]
Geert Goiris
Wednesday, 23 September 2009
Geert Goiris Work from Slow Fast. The iconography of Geert Goiris includes rather cheerless interiors, deserted playgrounds, stationary locomotives, staged explosions in park-like surroundings, and mysterious constructions that have, at some time, embodied a modernist architectural Utopia. His major fascination and his most concentrated attention, however, are focused on desolate landscapes, which often seem to […]