Archives for the Month of March, 2012

Jeremy Couillard

    Jeremy Couillard Work from Over And Over Again “In my past life, when i was a conquistadora, I got lost in the amazon down tiputini river, on a canoe with shamanic hepatoligitists who used estrous cycles to predict the future. We capsized and were rescued on the backs of alligators and ended up […]

Gabriel Dawe

Gabriel Dawe Work from Plexus. “Citing Anish Kapoor as a major influence, Dawe creates complex and often vertigo inducing spatial structures, which direct the viewer through space. Accordingly, they emulate the invisible forces which shape our existence; the social norms, rules and expectations which determine who we are. In this, Dawe references theorist Michel Foucault’s […]

Nicholas Gottlund

Nicholas Gottlund Work from Baker’s Dozen @ Open Space Baltimore. “Comprised of thirteen aluminum plates traditionally used in offset lithograhy, Baker’s Dozen reflects on the materials and processes of commercial printing. The plates which are typically used to print from, in this case, are the work themselves. Objects such as paper, press sheets, film and cardboard are placed on […]

Ebbe Stub Wittrup

Ebbe Stub Wittrup Work from his After Space Odyssey. “All the works in the series are locations from the science fiction film 2001: A Space Odyssey from 1968 by the director Stanley Kubrick. One scene in the film was meant to show the planet Jupiter, and the island of Harris in the Outer Hebrides most […]

Sylvain Sailly

Sylvain Sailly Work from Instructors @ Bubblebyte. “Over the past five years, Sylvain Sailly has worked with multimedia installations that combine prints, video work, and sculptural objects. His work explores the dematerialisation of systems and procedures diffused in contemporary society, highlighting invisible processes in production which transform into the practical and meaningful. Sailly’s practice researches […]

Nicolas Deshayes

Nicolas Deshayes Work from his oeuvre. “Nicolas Deshayes’ sculptural installations use materials such as stainless steel and PVC to embrace the glossy aesthetics of 21st century design. Despite such fascinations, his works maintain a human presence in the forms of glutinously rich, bodily allusions, which engage with materials in ways that distort the ordinary. Deshayes […]

Daniel Rybakken and Andreas Engesvik

Daniel Rybakken and Andreas Engesvik Work from Colour. “Using sheets of coloured glass placed freely in front of a light source, Colour invites the user to mix various hues. I was also intrigued here by the exploded concept of a lamp, formed not only of multiple components, but by multiple objects too.” – Daniel Rybakken via Zero […]

Harm van den Dorpel

Harm van den Dorpel Work from About at Wilkinson Gallery “…He is not aware that a gallery system exists. All his work exists in the virtual sphere, which to him is more real than the reality we all supposedly inhabit in the day-to-day. That was then. Even now, it doesn’t matter to him so much which of his works are […]

Carlo Bernardini

Carlo Bernardini Work from his oeuvre. “Paper is simply paper as long as it is white, but once you draw on it, it becomes ‘a drawing’. A design in light is a mental drawing that uses dark space. Fibre optic drawings are in harmony with the place itself, the light creating an interrelation by overcoming […]

Samson Young

Samson Young Work from Signal Path II: Sinister Resonance. “Signal Path II: Sinister Resonance is a site-specific sound installation. I meditated at various locations within/around/outside of the installation site while wearing a sensor that turns my brainwaves into sound. Sensors monitor eight sets of electroencephalographic signals while I attempt to focus my attention. Each signal generates one […]