Anthony Antonellis Work from Photoshop Skillz. “Photoshop Skillz is lowfi video artwork which showcases the artist’s skills using Photoshop’s basic tools and filters. The work demonstrates the visibility of the artist’s hand in new media.” – Anthony Antonellis
Archives for posts tagged ‘photoshop’
Xavier Delory
Sunday, 2 October 2011
Xavier Delory Work from Formes urbaines. “Urban Forms: the aim of this project (in progress) is to study the recurrent characteristic of modern cities, with Brussels as first field of research. This work will comprise several chapters: ‘Bare d’ilot’ (a reflection on the urban block, the framework of the historic city, it break-up and its […]
Mattia Listowski
Saturday, 1 October 2011
Mattia Listowski Work from Space/Shore/Lights. “ROTATE is a plane rotating on itself at the same speed as the carousel which projects the plane: there is a parallel time. Installation designs light through a plane, a frame of white light showing a blank space behind the projection plane. As the plane rotates on itself and blank […]
Asger Carlsen
Thursday, 25 August 2011
Asger Carlsen Work from Wrong. “There’s something about a good sci-fi movie that really sticks in your head — especially if you see it during your formative years. I saw Paul Verhoeven’s Total Recall in the theaters, so I must have been about 15 at the time. There were certain visuals in that film, ie. the […]
Zach Nader
Monday, 30 May 2011
Zach Nader Work from Counterweight. “I investigate presentation and representation of self, others and viewpoint. My questions include: Where and how is experience constructed? What are the possibilities of history, truth and fiction in photographic images? Can the point in which meaning adheres to representations be shifted? And what is their role in constructing personal […]
Jasper Elings
Thursday, 14 April 2011
Jasper Elings Work from his oeuvre. “…With sources originating from digital readymades or appropriated video, each artist modifies, redirects and redistributes the footage using a wide array of alterations, from simple editing to more detailed and complex reconstructions. The digital realm casts a dark shadow over the initial intent of images and our preconceptions of their […]
Adam Cruces
Tuesday, 21 December 2010
Adam Cruces Work from (Un)finished. “This series of images is based on paintings that were left unfinished by artists throughout history. The paintings have been ‘finished’ by Adobe Photoshop CS5’s Content-Aware Fill feature.” – Adam Cruces
John Pfahl
Friday, 8 October 2010
John Pfahl Work from Métamorphoses de la Terre. “Echoing his landmark “Altered Landscapes” from the 1970s. John Pfahl’s latest series of photographs embraces the digital age. The concept of “Métamorphoses de la Terre” came to him while reviewing some pictures of lava formations surrounding a Hawaiian volcano that he took in 1993, but never printed. […]
Tereza Zelenkova
Monday, 30 August 2010
Tereza Zelenkova Work from her oeuvre. From an interview with Grant Willing on too much chocolate GW: Your work feels very intentional and considered, but there is still this lingering sense of spontaneity in some of your images. Can you tell me how you go about making your images? TZ: Actually my work is very […]