Archives for posts tagged ‘found images’

Hannah Sawtell

Hannah Sawtell Work from her oeuvre. “Hannah Sawtell’s work is informed by her vision of an excess of production- both physical objects and mediated images- leading to entropy. Her wall structures, floor pieces and free-standing objects re-purpose various ready-made industrial materials in thought-provoking, often witty combinations. In her videos she collates found audio and still […]

Ian Pedigo

Ian Pedigo Work from his oeuvre. “Ian Pedigo continues to make sculptures imbued with artifactual significance. This is revealed through a process of peeling layers, creating visually formal relationships and conceptual congruence. The works begin with found images and objects that are added upon, altered, and edited in a process that echoes ritualistic practices. The […]

Thomas Eberwein and Marc Kremers

Thomas Eberwein and Marc Kremers Work from As Found. “The Image as it is. As-Found is our creative response to the trillions of images available on the Internet. The ‘As’ in As-Found stands for the perfection we perceive in these images. These images, as they have been found, are perfect in our eyes, and we want […]

Simon Menner

Simon Menner Work from Images from the secret STASI archive. “In a time that is more and more defined by mechanisms of surveillance the “gaze of the Big Brother” seems ever more omnipresent. This brings me to the point to ask myself what it really is that the Big Brother sees. Can the terror such […]

Michael Huey

Michael Huey Work from his oeuvre. “The physical, hands-on part of my work takes place in the archive. It involves sorting, searching, and seeing. Mentally – and physically – it is fatiguing. Conceptually, the work revolves around the idea of loss…disintegration…and the attendant themes of legacy, inheritance, and inventory. In a phrase: ‘what remains’. Things […]

Nate Larson and Marni Shindelman

Nate Larson and Marni Shindelman Work from Geolocation: Tributes to the Data Stream. “Each morning we follow strangers through their Twitter updates, becoming intimately involved in their banal daily errands. We imagine ourselves as virtual flâneurs, exploring cities 140 characters at a time through the lives of others. Sometimes we follow these strangers for a […]

Cassandra C. Jones

Cassandra C Jones Work from send me a link. “While contemporary technology has brought forth droves of artists and amateurs alike using digital means to create a photograph, Cassandra C Jones explores digital media without adding to a world over saturated with images. In her current solo show titled Send Me a Link, with Baer […]