Archives for posts tagged ‘humor’

Ethan Breckenridge

Ethan Breckenridge Work from his oeuvre. “TV Ads A scientist, after driving his electric/eco friendly go-cart like car to an observatory, looks through his telescope to discover an apocalypse-heralding asteroid tumbling towards the earth. In a heartbeat he is online finding his nearest Hummer dealer, and then off in his go-cart to the dealerships. The […]

Chris Collins

Chris Collins Work from his oeuvre. “Much of the material Collins chooses to work with are dated and with limited aesthetic means. There is an impending sense of mortality linked to the obsolete junkyard of the virtual realm, where things are lost, or constantly being updated or redefined. Core beliefs about identity, love and the […]

Pascual Sisto

Pascual Sisto Work from Every Now and Then (currently showing at “Every Now and Then, a solo exhibition by acclaimed artist Pascual Sisto. Pascual Sisto’s practice is a balance between what is hidden and what is revealed. Through a constant research of synchrony and symmetry he creates clean and detailed settings able to amaze […]

Riley Harmon

Riley Harmon Work from Passengers. “Other works explore the notion of the real self verses the virtual self. For example, in Riley Harmon’s video works “Passenger 4 (Laurel Canyon)” and “Passenger 5 (Collateral),” the artist … inserts himself in car scenes in movies, as if he was actually in them. “A lot of the things […]

Jasper Elings

Jasper Elings Work from his oeuvre. “…With sources originating from digital readymades or appropriated video, each artist modifies, redirects and redistributes the footage using a wide array of alterations, from simple editing to more detailed and complex reconstructions. The digital realm casts a dark shadow over the initial intent of images and our preconceptions of their […]

Torsten Schuman

Torsten Schuman Work from his oeuvre. “Torsten Schumann is obsessed with what people do in their freetime, especially outdoors, in nature, in the garden or on the street. He collects the split seconds of everyday situations that are irritating and odd. The perfect world of suburban Germany and post wall industrial breakdown floats on an […]

Hunter Jonakin

Hunter Jonakin Work from Jeff Koons Must Die!!!. “Jeff Koons Must Die!!! is made up of a fabricated 80’s style stand-up arcade cabinet, and a simulated digital environment presented in a first-person perspective. Viewers must pay twenty-five cents to play the game and the virtual environment is traversed with a joystick and two arcade buttons. The […]

Daniel Everett

Daniel Everett Work from Conversations with a Computer. “Contained within the operating system of Mac computers is a rudimentary electronic psychotherapist program. Meant to simulate a Rogerian therapist, it engages the participant in a cyclical conversation by taking his or her statements and roughly reconfiguring them into questions. I met with this program three times […]

Michael Sailstorter

Michael Sailstorter Work from his oeuvre. “Transformations, contextual adjustments, spatial appropriation – in Sailstorfer’s work one is quick to recognize his interest in everyday objects, materials that surround us, his hands-on fascination with the specific identity and history of these objects and the fate they may evoke – in short the inherent associations they trigger, […]

Josué Rauscher

Josué Rauscher Work from his oeuvre, text from his website, translated by Google. I WOULD GLADLY MAKE SECOND HAND SCULPTURES. (I would gladly do sculptures by hand). – – – I like to say that I am the little free time I have to fix the world with a jigsaw (and some other utensils). (I […]