Archives for the ‘berlin’ Category

Joachim Schmid

Joachim Schmid Work from O Campo. Also see his other works, he has a diverse and fascinating body of work. “My new book O Campo, or in its translation The Field, is a photographic compilation of football fields in Brazilian cities. The images were taken via satellite and they show the rather oddly shaped football […]

Anne de Vries

Anne de Vries Work from his oeuvre. “some thoughts about my work and interests photography is not the same medium anymore as what it used to be. after you once pressed the button of your digital camera, you will need a computer instead of a dark room. since the 90s digital photography became the mainstream […]


AIDS-3D (Daniel Keller and Nik Kosmas) Work from their oeuvre. The top image is a collaboration with Anne De Vries and Helga Wretman. “The artist statements written by Berlin-based American artists AIDS-3D read as simultaneously post-apocalyptic and utopian. They are primarily concerned with the unfulfilled promises of emergent technologies and the ways in which our […]

Haris Epaminoda

Haris Epaminoda Work from his oeuvre. “…deceptively intimate works of Epaminonda: collages, escoriating and beautiful. They collectively form a kind of liminal space through the imagery of a past – the mid 20th Century – yet they don’t address a period in time, perhaps so that it might be the past, again. They are composed […]

Tacita Dean

Tacita Dean Work from Floh. There is a fantastic lecture on this work @ Coventry University by Joanna Zylinska. “I do not want to give these images explanations : descriptions by the finder about how and where they were found, or guesses as to what stories they might or might not tell. I want them […]

Helen Mirra

Helen Mirra Work from her oeuvre. “My work can perhaps be described as conceptual ecology, or pragmatist artmaking. My disparate though generally minimalist practice occurs in varied scrap media. In various ways, moreover, I’ve been thinking in my making life about the relationships between scale, time spans, modesty and bluntness. I build in a simple […]

Janet Cardiff and George Bures Miller

Janet Cardiff and George Bures Miller Works from the The Murder of Crows. “You part two layers of thick red curtains to enter the atrium of Hamburger Bahnhof, where chairs, speakers, and a single table with a gramophone perched on it – all arranged in a circle – form The Murder of Crows, the new installation […]

Bettina Pousttchi

Bettina Pousttchi Work from Starker Staat. “The very title and alliteration of Starker Staat( Strong state) evoke ominous associations from national security to other things. This series of photographs, taken in Cologne in 2003 and first exhibited at the Württembergischer Kunstverein in Stuttgart that same year, presents a cinematographic sequence that reinforces these alarming associations […]

Florian Slotawa

Florian Slotawa Work from Hotelarbeiten and others. “A nondescript zone lies close to the start of Kurfürstenstraße. This should be the core of the city. Neither entirely residential nor commercial nor administrative, this curiously neglected quarter of central Berlin exudes a sense of fun’s absence. It’s where Florian Slotawa likes to work. His new studio […]

Isabelle Krieg

Isabelle Krieg Work curently showing at Substitut-Berlin if you are in Berlin, go to this show. There is a great range of work, and some fantastic artists’ books on sale.