Archives for the ‘meta’ Category

Affiliati Peducci / Savini

Affiliati Peducci / Savini Work from their oeuvre. Their exhibition is on until the end of the month at Galleria Rubin in Milan. I find it appropriate to include the press release from their current exhibition, translated via google translate as it mirrors translations of classical sculptures in their works. Ironically, many of these busts […]

Elodie Pong

Elodie Pong Work from her oeuvre. “Pong’s works explore the complexity of human relationships, the function and validity of cultural codes and references, and other social phenomena in contemporary society – specifically her own generation. “We are knights on the trajectories of a post-everything era,” she says. Her recent body of work can be seen […]

Klea McKenna

Klea McKenna Work from Slow Burn. “Klea McKenna describes her series Slow Burn as “an ongoing series of experiments” in which each image reveals or teaches her something that leads her to the next. This approach—photography as a heuristic process, in which the “eureka” moment of one image pushes us forward toward new discoveries with […]

Alessandro Ludovico and Paolo Cirio

Alessandro Ludovico and Paolo Cirio Work from Google Will Eat Itself. “One of Google’s main revenue generators is the “Adsense”* program: It places hundreds of thousands of little Google text-ads on websites around the world. Now we have set up a vast amount of such Adsense-Accounts for our hidden Web-Sites. For each click we receive […]

Martin Kohout

Martin Kohout Work from his oeuvre. Series of modified videos of people kick-starting their motorbikes, sound of the engine removed. All taken from and put back as a response to the original footage. Second version, 2008. _________________ One frame from the film Cast-Away (dir. Robert Zemeckis) printed and distributed as a postcard in edition […]

Ryan Barone

Ryan Barone Work from his oeuvre. “I’LL TUMBLE 4 YOU (STATEMENT FOR JORDAN TATE) I want to surf the internet. I want Lolcats and Lyotard. Parker Ito was tagged in an album. I want to feel vulnerable. I want to make my failures public. Katy Ann and Kathy Otto are now friends. I want to […]

Catherine Leutenegger

Catherine Leutenegger Work from Hors-Champ. ““Hors-Champ” (”Off-camera”) is an invitation to discover a place that often remains unknown: where photographs are made—workshops and studios, darkrooms, development and print labs. The work behind the illusion so meticulously crafted by photographers in their studios is indeed rarely revealed. The realization of this project arises from a personal […]