Archives for the ‘studio’ Category

OIivier Charlot

Olivier Charlot Work from Japanese Conjecture. “My initial photographical approach began exclusively on events met in the street. Then my place of experiment moved from outdoor shooting to studio shooting. Nowadays it is important to me to compose my images, independently of happenstance. I can set up events in a process of photographing ideas, sustaining […]

Herbert Weber

Herbert Weber Work from his oeuvre. “The Toggenburg photo artist Herbert Weber is fascinated by basic issues of the medium he works with. There is definitely some romance involved in his inquiring the truth of images, in spite of the photography’s long-known loss of authenticity… The prominently placed wire may be interpreted as the umbilical […]

Catherine Leutenegger

Catherine Leutenegger Work from Hors-Champ. ““Hors-Champ” (”Off-camera”) is an invitation to discover a place that often remains unknown: where photographs are made—workshops and studios, darkrooms, development and print labs. The work behind the illusion so meticulously crafted by photographers in their studios is indeed rarely revealed. The realization of this project arises from a personal […]

Kelly Wood

Kelly Wood Work from The Continuous Garbage Project. “From March 1998 to March 2003, Kelly Wood photographed household garbage. From this activity, inscribed within an arbitrary time frame, emerged a large-scale work that presents us with unmistakable evidence of a relentless process and exposes its excesses in documentation extending to 275 pages. The Continuous Garbage […]

Cassander Schattenkerk

Cassander Schattenkerk Work from The Andromeda Strain and Series #2. Statement for The Andromeda Strain: “After making many landscape photographs I realized the search for special places is more important than the place itself. The notion of discovery has always been intimately linked to photography. The cliché of the photographer as an explorer of unknown […]

Tess Hurrell

  Tess Hurrell Work from Chaology. “My practice is primarily using photography as a framework, a context for ideas of perception, discovery, proof and understanding. Using it’s uniquely complex language, I aim to create images that communicate on different levels about the way in which we see and observe. ‘Chaology’ This series grew from a […]