Adam Broomberg & Oliver Chanarin Work from Afterlife. “Afterlife is a re-reading of a controversial photograph taken in Iran on 6 August 1979. This remarkable image, taken just months after the revolution, records the execution of 11 blindfolded Kurdish prisoners by firing squad. The image, which captures the decisive moment the guns were fired, was […]
Archives for the ‘reconstruction’ Category
Thomas Demand
Sunday, 20 September 2009
Thomas Demand Work from his oeuvre. Also check out his work for After the Imperial Presidency. “A dozen years ago, Thomas Demand, whose generally stellar midcareer retrospective opens today at the Museum of Modern Art, was studying in London, at Goldsmiths College, then the hotbed of the British art scene. He hit upon the idea […]
Amy Stein
Saturday, 1 August 2009
Amy Stein Work from Domesticated. As with many of my weekend posts, you probably do (or should) know of Stein’s work. “My photographs serve as modern dioramas of our new natural history. Within these scenes I explore our paradoxical relationship with the “wild” and how our conflicting impulses continue to evolve and alter the behavior […]
Tess Hurrell
Saturday, 9 May 2009
Tess Hurrell Work from Chaology. “My practice is primarily using photography as a framework, a context for ideas of perception, discovery, proof and understanding. Using it’s uniquely complex language, I aim to create images that communicate on different levels about the way in which we see and observe. ‘Chaology’ This series grew from a […]