Archives for posts tagged ‘cut paper’

Anthony Lepore

Anthony Lepore Work from New Wilderness. “Anthony Lepore’s New Wilderness is a series of photographs that lay bare nature as an historical construct governed by human invention and intervention. Although these images often suggest collage or post-production alterations, they are produced with a 4 x 5 camera in visitor centers and on the edges of […]

Sreshta Rit Premnath

Sreshta Rit Premnath Work from Green Screen “In the middle of this room is a rather simple/elegantly constructed cut-out of a human figure entitled ‘Green Screen’ by Sreshta Premnath . The negative space is suspended by a frame while the actual figure is defined by the cutting; umbilically attached to the fabric it drapes across the […]

Jill Sylvia

Jill Sylvia Work from Balance Sheets and Reconstructions. “Ledger sheets are traditionally used to record the financial transactions of a business or an individual. These papers host the data necessary for accounting information to be compiled, and for analysis in determining profit and loss. They are the material of economics. In an attempt to understand […]

Charlie Youle

Charlie Youle Work from This is the End of the World and Horror, Anxiety, and the Continental Holiday. “This series of prints depicts a quiet and scenic apocalypse, an unexplosive sci-fi fantasy of two worlds nearly colliding. The scenes are set in the past and refer to a constant changing and dying of the surface […]

Mark Boellaard

Mark Boellaard Work from Collage. I received an email from Mark this morning with this work, enjoy. “By juxtaposing elements from a wide and unusual range of resources I attempt to create original works that invoke a sense of shock, wonder and delight upon the spectator. Works that are very much open to interpretation and […]

Thomas Demand

Thomas Demand Work from his oeuvre. Also check out his work for After the Imperial Presidency. “A dozen years ago, Thomas Demand, whose generally stellar midcareer retrospective opens today at the Museum of Modern Art, was studying in London, at Goldsmiths College, then the hotbed of the British art scene. He hit upon the idea […]

John Mann

John Mann Work from Folded in Place. I would be surprised if you haven’t seen this work yet. Mann’s Folded in Place series has made the rounds of the blogosphere, and if you haven’t seen it, you have been missing out. Mann’s site was update today (or yesterday) with some fantastic new works, check it […]