Archives for the ‘youtube’ Category

Jimmy Joe Roche

Jimmy Joe Roche Work from his oeuvre. While not an essay on Roche, it is very fitting, and he is linked later in the article (not included). “Imagine a technological stew. In this big bubbling cauldron are piles of images, jpegs and mpegs of Super Mario Bros , Thundercats and Care Bears, strangely scratched 80s […]

Michael Demers

Michael Demers Work from Date Paintings (You Tube). “The conceptual artist On Kawara has produced an ongoing series of “date paintings” (the Today series), which consist entirely of the date on which the painting was executed in simple lettering set against a solid background. If the painting could not be completed on the day it […]

Justin Shull

Justin Shull Work from Terrestrial Shrub Rover. ““From the time of our birth, humans have felt a primordial urge to explore — to blaze new trails, map new lands, and answer profound questions about ourselves and our universe.” – NASA In the spirit of NASA and its forthcoming 2020 lunar expeditions in preparation for colonizing […]

Adam Cruces

Adam Cruces Work from his YouTube Channel. Cruces’ oeuvre contains some hilariously self-reflexive videos that are a great snapshot of current trends in contemporary video/net art. His works are referential to many of his contemporaries, the most notable of which is Constant Dullaart. His video of Mary Lou Retton recalls Dullaart’s Stabilized Earthquake or the […]

Constant Dullaart

Photoshop Wave effect applied on found image of straight sea horizon, printed on a 30 step Lenticular lens. Constant Dullaart Work from his epic oeuvre. Many of his pieces, including Domain Name Readymades are experiential, go to his website and explore. Three awesome pieces 1, 2, 3. “The Dutch artist Constant Dullaart maintains a small […]

Abe Linkoln, et al.

Abe Linkoln Work from Screenfull, Universal Acid and Disco-nnect. “A trippy pixelated skull and a playlist of warped samples greet visitors to, the collaborative blog by artists Abe Linkoln (USA) and jimpunk (France). If you like noise bands, dial-up (their browser-slowing tricks tend to frustrate navigation), or the endurance tropes of experimental work, you’ll […]