Archives for the ‘meta-art’ Category

Michael Demers

Michael Demers Work from Date Paintings (You Tube). “The conceptual artist On Kawara has produced an ongoing series of “date paintings” (the Today series), which consist entirely of the date on which the painting was executed in simple lettering set against a solid background. If the painting could not be completed on the day it […]

Judith Baumann

Judith Baumann Work from Travels with John. “Travels with John delves into my fantasy life in which I travel across the country with John Baldessari, imagining our conversations on life, love and landscape. In addition to recreating myriad conversations between John and I, I have collected and reinterpreted snapshots of our travels together ranging from […]

Artie Vierkant

Artie Vierkant Work from his oeuvre. Shortest statement ever: “His work concerns the degree to which digital media constitute fully tangible objects, actors which are both pliable and physical, structures to be broken into pieces and reconceived.” – Artie Vierkant

Tim Davis

Tim Davis Work from Permanent Collection (writing from The New Antiquity). “You are standing in a field in Italy, looking at a pile of rocks. They are unremarkable, rutting out the ground like any gentle reminder that we live on something called a “crust.” You’ve seen rocks and these are rocks. But someone else—a friend, […]

Pauline Bastard

Pauline Bastard Works from Western. These are stills from Bastard’s video in which she traces the contours of the landscape with the spinning color wheel. Much of her other work is quite fascinating as well, I highly recommend her website. “My work is about objects. By making sculptures and images, I create an extravagant dialectic […]

Art Fun Club

Art Fun Club Work from their oeuvre. “Do not be fooled by our name. We do take art seriously.We are a collaboration group of three artists who were beginning to reconsider their full devotion to the artist way of life. It was quite challenging for us to manage both life and art, since we liked […]

Arabella Campbell

Arabella Campbell Work from her oeuvre. “Aligned with a systemic approach to abstraction exemplified by the work of Agnes Martin and Robert Ryman, Arabella Campbell is becoming increasingly recognized for her formally and conceptually meticulous practice. Her work often acknowledges the edges of its own material and institutional support structure, to nuance and qualify our […]

Chris Coy

Chris Coy Work from his oeuvre. Below is a text from Montage: Unmonumental Online at the New Museum. “…“Montage: Unmonumental Online” will feature works by an international group of fourteen emerging and midcareer artists who appropriate diverse material from the Web to create new Internet-based montage. Cutting and pasting, breaking apart and re-assembling, ripping and […]

Michael Demers

Michael Demers Work from Color Field Paintings (Browser), Date Paintings, and Every Despot I’ve Ever Known. Generate a color field painting here. “Color Field Painting (‘Where,’ after Morris Louis) consists of a series of vertical browser windows that appear consecutively across the screen from left to right. Each browser is set to 800 pixels high, […]

Martijn Henkriks

Martijn Hendriks Work from his oeuvre. There is a good interview here. “Martijn Hendriks’s videos, sculptures, and installations often involve seemingly unproductive gestures. Exploring how such unproductive acts like displacements, mistranslation, removals, withholding things, obstructions, overdoing things, repetition, mismatchings, and attempts at impossible or redundant tasks may become productive, a common thread in his work […]