Archives for posts tagged ‘net’

Nicolas Sassoon

Nicolas Sassoon Work from TIDES @ exhibition runs until December 1. Note: This is an online exhibition and the above videos are screen recordings of the pieces. Please go to the gallery and view the pieces in their proper context. “The work of Nicolas Sassoon makes use of various computer-based aesthetics to generate fantasized […]

Tim Steer

Tim Steer Work from his oeuvre. “How do we account for the affect of materiality in a particular work? One way to think about it is as a process. This is not an original point. In “The Time of Digital Poetry: From Object to Event”, Katherine Hayles develops a more sophisticated description of materiality than […]

Tim Horntrich and Jens Wunderling

Tim Horntrich and Jens Wunderling. Work from self.detach. “„self.detach“ is a monolithic object, not serving the purpose of analyzing the data by quantity, but following a critical design approach. The Flickr live photo stream is constantly downloaded, all currently posted images moving through the beholders’ field of vision on a small display.Those images tagged with […]

Jacob Broms

Jacob Broms Work from Facebook Intense, a bit of space wandering in space, paths to enlightenment, and walk in the park. The images above are mostly replications and screen captures, I highly recommend you follow the links to experience the full piece.  “Jacob Broms Englom is an artist based in Stockholm, Sweden. His work is […]

Michael Naimark

Michael Naimark Work from Viewfinder: How to Seamlessly “Flickrize” Google Earth. “The tension between computing technology that augments human activity and technology that automates it goes all the way back to the 1960s. It can be seen in Viewfinder, a demonstration of a photo-sharing or photo-placing system developed by a group of researchers and digital […]

Jeremy Bailey

Jeremy Bailey Work from his awesome YouTube Channel. Bailey’s work is well worth your time to check out, his website has quite a collection.  “Marc Garrett: Thank you for taking part in the dialogue so far, it has been both enjoyable and illuminating.Much of your work involves a GUI (Graphic User Interface). User interfaces as […]

Lance Wakeling

Lance Wakeling Work from Sic, Notes from a keylogger and Parking at the Pentagon. “As we type and edit our attention jumps from paragraph to paragraph and from program to program, leaving a trail of disconnected phrases and commands. Much of what we type is deleted before the final product is saved, but the data […]

Jon Rafman

Jon Rafman Work from Google Street Views.  “Two years ago, Google sent out an army of hybrid electric automobiles, each one bearing nine cameras on a single pole. Armed with a GPS and three laser range scanners, this fleet of cars began an endless quest to photograph every highway and byway in the free world. […]

Abe Linkoln, et al.

Abe Linkoln Work from Screenfull, Universal Acid and Disco-nnect. “A trippy pixelated skull and a playlist of warped samples greet visitors to, the collaborative blog by artists Abe Linkoln (USA) and jimpunk (France). If you like noise bands, dial-up (their browser-slowing tricks tend to frustrate navigation), or the endurance tropes of experimental work, you’ll […]