Archives for the ‘music’ Category

Daito Manabe

Daito Manabe Work from his YouTube Channel. “Redefining the existent media and technologies from unique angles, he has been active in various fields, such as art, design, and even research and development. He produces sounds, images, and light by analyzing and transforming numerical values gained from various sensors and input devices. He is internationally active […]

Grant Willing

Grant Willing Work from Svart Metall. “‘Svart Metall’ is an investigation into the themes and ideals of the black metal music genre. Black metal explores the ideas of ancient pagan and satanic views and presents these feelings in a violent, often cacophonous style of music. Progressing from the themes of the music, a subculture has […]

Oliver Laric

Oliver Laric Work from (>’.’)>=O____l_*__O=