Archives for the ‘computer’ Category

Mark Beasley

Mark Beasley Work from his oeuvre. Much of his work is web-based, so please follow through to his site. “When fire fills the sky, When the sun erupts in ecstasy And fading furies die. I promise you my innocence And mine a darting fish: Your soul is like the vastest sea I live within your […]

Lindsay Lawson

Lindsay Lawson Work from Das Ding (and others). “The thing in itself (das ding an sich) is an object independent of the senses. It is a thing without a viewer: tangible, but not perceivable. This video mimics the famous pottery scene from the movie Ghost when Sam (who is a ghost for most of the […]

Jaap Drupsteen

Jaap Drupsteen Work from Hyster Pulsatu. “Hyster Pulsatu is a theatrical dance performance that could never take place in a theatre. Thanks to the mixing table, the artist becomes a divine choreographer who can let dancers play in space, in rivalry with graphical image elements; who manipulates the space itself, moulding it to every wish […]

John Michael Boling

John Michael Boling (some pieces with Javier Morales). Work from his (their) oeuvre. “John Michael Boling and Javier Morales draw their inspiration from found digital material. They appropriate, remix, and re-edit old videos, images, and sounds found mostly online. The result is work that incorporates elements of Pop art, conceptual art, music videos, and satirical […]

Chajana denHarder

Chajana denHarder Work from Body Works. “Imagine you are on a city street, then you are the city street. You are the thoughts of the street, you are not you. Then suddenly a man with a ladder knocks into your back. You are shocked and ask yourself why and what’s going on. Then the shock […]

Ryan Barone

Ryan Barone Work from his oeuvre. “I’LL TUMBLE 4 YOU (STATEMENT FOR JORDAN TATE) I want to surf the internet. I want Lolcats and Lyotard. Parker Ito was tagged in an album. I want to feel vulnerable. I want to make my failures public. Katy Ann and Kathy Otto are now friends. I want to […]

Laura Brothers

Laura Brothers Work from her website / pseudonym Out_4_Pizza. Laura Brothers, in a sense, doesn’t exist. Her net identity is abstract, aloof, and remarkably uninformative to the “casual” net-art public. This mystery is a great part of the appeal of her work, in her pseudo-anonymity, she plays the role of cultural curator or vernacular archivist […]

Adam Tindale and Jordan Tate

Adam Tindale and Jordan Tate. Work from Lossless Processing. “Lossless Processing challenges the representational nature of photography and examines programming as a visual medium by re-ordering the digital photograph using Processing and a custom QuickSort algorithm. Sorting algorithms are one of the most basic functions in computer science, and analogous to our cognitive thought processes. […]

Pauline Bastard

Pauline Bastard Works from Western. These are stills from Bastard’s video in which she traces the contours of the landscape with the spinning color wheel. Much of her other work is quite fascinating as well, I highly recommend her website. “My work is about objects. By making sculptures and images, I create an extravagant dialectic […]

Marco Manray

Marco Manray Work from Why is there something rather than nothing? and Flatlandia. “Why is there something rather than nothing? This is the question that Leibniz poses while wondering about creation.Entering in the Metaverse, the question remains the same.Why is there something rather than nothing?How will the future landscape be? Where will our avatars pose […]