Darryl Lauster Works from his oeuvre, which can be seen at Devin Borden Hiram Butler Gallery and Barry Whistler Gallery. Title List (in Order): 1. Exercise Desert Rock, D-Day blast at Yucca Flats, 1951, photograph by Cpl. McCaughey, from the National Archives Records of the Office of Chief Signal Officer 2. A Young Civil […]
Archives for the ‘sculpture’ Category
Jeppe Hein
Wednesday, 10 June 2009
Jeppe Hein Work from Social Bench. You can see a great deal more of Hein’s work here. His work is far more varied than the Social Bench series. “Jeppe Hein’s sculpture and installations explore the relationship between viewer and artwork. Using the minimalist aesthetic of the archetypical cube, Hein’s Shaking Cube is both sculpture and […]
Atelier Van Lieshout
Tuesday, 9 June 2009
Atelier Van Lieshout Work from Sport Nouveau. “Sport Nouveau was created in the wake of Bad Furniture. This set of sport equipment has been designed with fantastic shapes, elegant forms and a noble character. The machine fits only thin people, preferably wearing silk socks. A heavier human body would break the machines, even with normal […]
Tom Sachs
Monday, 8 June 2009
Tom Sachs Work from his oeuvre. Tom Sachs work operates somewhere between fetishization and critique of objects of contemporary American desire. By reproducing these objects in readily available materials, using low-tech processes, Sachs is able to make the unattainable, attainable. However, because these reproductions are “Tom Sachs’”, and are therefore expensive, fine art objects, available […]
Wesley Meuris
Sunday, 7 June 2009
Wesley Meuris Work from Cages (my title, his works are various cages in the series), Botanical World Archive, and Swimming Pool. “Since the nineties Wesley Meuris(*Lier,1977) has been fascinated by our relationship with architecture, and more especially by the way we convert particular patterns of thought, needs and desires into functions and codes of behaviour, […]
Jonathan Dankenbring
Saturday, 6 June 2009
Jonathan Dankenbring Work from Prototyping Fulfillment. “Every object present in our daily life reflects ideological information about its maker and its audience. Yet, often we do not take time out of our busy day to ponder how our built environment is manipulated through visual and physical means. My most recent series of works are carefully […]
Glue Society
Friday, 5 June 2009
Glue Society Work from their oeuvre, but not from a titled body of work. The Glue Society has no sweeping statement I could find, nor any statement at all. The only information I could dig up was a few names, and the fact that they are an creative collective based in Sydney and New York. […]
Anu Vahtra
Thursday, 4 June 2009
Anu Vahtra Work from Installations. There is a great animated gif/video of one of her installations here. I couldn’t find a statement or review for Vahtra’s work, but I did not want that to stop me from posting it. Vahtra uses Xerox prints to create a false wall in the gallery and imply the space […]
AnnieLaurie Erickson and Everett Lawson
Tuesday, 2 June 2009
AnnieLaurie Erickson and Everett Lawson. Work from A Slip of Memory. My first thoughts about this work were “badass”. A Slip of Memory is a phenomonal integration of science, optics, and art which explores how the eye functions and how it affects our perception (something I am working on from a vastly different perspective). “Colors, […]
Ryan Thayer
Monday, 18 May 2009
Ryan Thayer Work from Ceiling Tile Wall, Untitled (Experience of Place), and IKEA Vattern variations. “Ryan Thayer’s work ranges from architectural installations to photography and sound sculptures. He explores structures of power, and their often contradictory manifestations, in buildings and everyday objects. Through models of consumerism, anonymity, and boredom, he isolates these power structures as […]