Archives for posts tagged ‘rhizome’

Christy Matson

Christy Matson Work from Soundw(e)ave. “A number of artists have started using textiles and needlework to explore the relationship between computer culture and craft. Here on Rhizome, we’ve recently covered Ben Fino-Radin, Sabrina Gschwandtner, Cat Mazza, and Cody Trepte, among others employing “traditional media” in the service of a technological critique. Not to be left out […]

Artie Vierkant

Artie Vierkant Work from his oeuvre. Shortest statement ever: “His work concerns the degree to which digital media constitute fully tangible objects, actors which are both pliable and physical, structures to be broken into pieces and reconceived.” – Artie Vierkant


AIDS-3D (Daniel Keller and Nik Kosmas) Work from their oeuvre. The top image is a collaboration with Anne De Vries and Helga Wretman. “The artist statements written by Berlin-based American artists AIDS-3D read as simultaneously post-apocalyptic and utopian. They are primarily concerned with the unfulfilled promises of emergent technologies and the ways in which our […]

John Michael Boling

John Michael Boling (some pieces with Javier Morales). Work from his (their) oeuvre. “John Michael Boling and Javier Morales draw their inspiration from found digital material. They appropriate, remix, and re-edit old videos, images, and sounds found mostly online. The result is work that incorporates elements of Pop art, conceptual art, music videos, and satirical […]

Laura Brothers

Laura Brothers Work from her website / pseudonym Out_4_Pizza. Laura Brothers, in a sense, doesn’t exist. Her net identity is abstract, aloof, and remarkably uninformative to the “casual” net-art public. This mystery is a great part of the appeal of her work, in her pseudo-anonymity, she plays the role of cultural curator or vernacular archivist […]

Michael Demers

Michael Demers Work from Color Field Paintings (Browser), Date Paintings, and Every Despot I’ve Ever Known. Generate a color field painting here. “Color Field Painting (‘Where,’ after Morris Louis) consists of a series of vertical browser windows that appear consecutively across the screen from left to right. Each browser is set to 800 pixels high, […]

Hermann Zschiegner

Hermann Zschiegner Work from 34 Parking Lots. Zschiegner makes some incredibly interesting Google art (primarily Google image searches, etc, but tactile representations of Google info regardless). “This self-published booklet is the first in a series of artist books dealing with photography in the age of Google image search. This one pays homage to Ed Ruscha’s […]