Archives for posts tagged ‘3d’

Nate Boyce

Nate Boyce Video stills from (primarily) Russian Mind (with music by Oneohtrix Point Never) “The strobing, multicolored abstractions of S.F.-based video manipulator and musical collaborator Nate Boyce have been known to test your sensory perception to the point of “retinal fatigue.” And, as Boyce explains, it’s all part of a long legacy of video art tradition.” […]

Manuel Bürger

Manuel Bürger Work from The MIDI Opera: A hommage to the greatest file format, 15 midi file songs + 3D renderings Watch and listen: MP3 Release (320k/bits) on Shalom Salon. The MIDI Opera is a little homage to the MIDI file format.Due to its limitation composing songs with the MIDI synthesizer of my laptop was always […]

John Gerrard

John Gerrard Work from his oeuvre. “Nietzsche famously positioned the expressive possibilities of art between the formal surfaces of sculpture and the emotional immediacy of music. Sculpture, like most visual practice, he took to represent art’s “civilising” impulse and the pursuit of beauty: the creation and manipulation of surfaces with which to mask a chaotic, […]

Benjamin Phelan

Benjamin Phelan Work from his oeuvre. “I am easily blinded by the optimism embedded in a new process, as it first appears to be the universal solution. The euphoria quickly dissipates though, as it becomes clear that each new process also a regulating device. I believe that the techniques that promise utopian solutions, through totally […]

Nathaniel Smyth

Nathaniel Smyth Work from Maps and Spaces. “Using the snapshot as a metaphor for visual perception, I experiment with strategies of arranging those perceptions to investigate the various ways our minds understand the space we inhabit. Using images from both personal and mass culture as a form of cumulative experience, I layer the images to […]

Linda Kostowski and Sascha Pohflepp

Linda Kostowski and Sascha Pohflepp Work from Export to World. “The success of multi-player environments has meant the advent of economic forces in the world of online gaming and the threshold separating playful simulation and the real world has been lowered a notch. Phenomena like sweatshops and shady transactions that once manifested themselves only in […]

Letha Wilson

Letha Wilson Work from Photo Sculptures. “…Letha is very interested in the intersections between the natural world and architecture, specifically points in which these two areas are merged. Many of her previous artworks incorporates photography of the landscape with sculptural materials, or video work in which interior architecture is explored alongside images from the vast […]

Jørund Aase

Jørund Aase Work from his World and Garden. “I have been trying out different kinds of medias. I usually don´t work within one specific media but uses those which fit my ideas. It can be painting, sculpture, installation, photo, video, sound, etc. I think art has the potential to stimulate people to experience the world […]

Cynthia Greig

Cynthia Greig Work from Representations. “My series “Representations” combines photography and drawing to explore the concept of photographic truth and its correspondence to perceived reality. No digital manipulation is involved. Focusing on the representation of ordinary things, I draw directly onto 3-dimensional objects (which I have painted over in white paint) to create visual hybrids […]

Jan Dibbets

Jan Dibbets Work from Perspective Correction, Land and Sea Horizons, and Windows. New York Times article here. “The camera records something quite different from what we see. There are no rectangular formats in nature, only in art (paintings, sheets of music or poems, windows, ravioli), and only if we choose to look at it that […]