Archives for the ‘humor’ Category

Caroline Bachmann and Stefan Banz

Caroline Bachmann and Stefan Banz Work from their oeuvre. “Let’s imagine a situation that everyone familiar with the art scene regularly sees or personally experiences: the puzzled expression on the face of a viewer when looking at a painting, his/her eyes surreptitiously shifting from the artwork to the blank wall, in search of a label […]

Qiu Yang

Qiu Yang Work from his oeuvre. While not indicative of all of the images here (really just the bottom one), the statement below gives you a peek into Yang’s process.  “This work is a visual study of the iconographic value of certain objects and items, which would repeatedly appear in Playboy centerfolds between the years […]

Charlie Youle

Charlie Youle Work from This is the End of the World and Horror, Anxiety, and the Continental Holiday. “This series of prints depicts a quiet and scenic apocalypse, an unexplosive sci-fi fantasy of two worlds nearly colliding. The scenes are set in the past and refer to a constant changing and dying of the surface […]

Jeremy Bailey (refresh)

Jeremy Bailey recently posted some new and fantastic work on his YouTube Channel. As such, I have updated his previous post to include some of this work.

Gerald Edwards III

Gerald Edwards III Work from Psych Securities LLC. “With future forecasts declaring ultimate doom from all components of the man-altered world, it seems there is a clog in the conduit of information transmitted between those in control and the public at large. Black Ops, psychological torture, acoustic weapons, Project Starfire, and a multitude of other […]

Tim Steer

Tim Steer Work from his oeuvre. “How do we account for the affect of materiality in a particular work? One way to think about it is as a process. This is not an original point. In “The Time of Digital Poetry: From Object to Event”, Katherine Hayles develops a more sophisticated description of materiality than […]

Hank Schmidt in der Beek

Hank Schmidt in der Beek Work from In den Zillertaler Alpen. “Hank Schmidt in der Beek (born 1978, lives in Berlin) draws on an archive of art history, documentary films, exhibition visits and lectures to create new levels of meaning. His automated painting technique is a process-driven method that brings paintings seen in documentaries about […]

Sebastjan Leban & Staš Kleindienst

Sebastjan Leban & Staš Kleindienst Work from Buy Your Own Art Experience. Catalog available here. “One of the fundamental problems of the art world, the art market and last but not least art in general is their attachment to the original as some kind of fetish, which of course is properly evaluated as all the […]

Aleksandra Mir

Aleksandra Mir Work from her oeuvre. Mir is performing at Exit Art tonight. Below is an interview from the Venice Biennale with Roberto Balò & Lorenzo Capanni. The first question is obviously: what are you going to show at the Biennale? I have printed 1 million fake postcards of Venice, entitled “VENEZIA (all places contain all […]

Adam Parker Smith

Adam Parker Smith Work from his oeuvre. “Constructing the aftermath of invented ceremonies from materials including paper, wood and fabric, I create narratives by combining real events, daydreams and preexisting fables. Through this combination, I establish a site for disparate elements to congregate. These tragicomic installations are cartoonishly bright, overtly decorative and colorful. They are […]